Urticaria and its impact on daily life

Urticaria and its impact on daily life

Urticaria, generally known as hives, is a skin condition characterized by red, itchy welts or bumps on the skin. These welts can vary in size and shape. They often appear suddenly and disappear over a short period. These hives make skin hypersensitive and vulnerable to external allergic reactions and infections. 

 Urticaria has been divided broadly into several types. In general,

 Urticaria can be divided into 2 types: 

1) Acute urticaria: These are short-lived hives. The hives that exist only for certain hours and days and varnish off are called acute urticaria. Allergic reactions to foods, medications, insect stings, infections, or other factors Often trigger it.

2) Chronicle urticaria: These are short-lived hives. The hives that last 6 weeks or more are called Chronic urticaria. The exact cause is often more challenging to identify compared to acute urticaria. It may be associated with autoimmune conditions, or infections, or may be idiopathic (unknown cause).


Symptoms of urticaria:


1) Raised Wheals (Welts): The primary symptom of urticaria is the development of raised, red, or pink wheals or welts on the skin. These welts are typically round or oval and may vary in size. They can be small or large and may merge to form larger areas of swelling.  


2) Itching (Pruritus): Urticaria is often accompanied by intense itching. The urge to scratch the affected areas can be strong and may worsen the skin’s reaction.  


3) Redness: The welts or hives are usually surrounded by an area of redness, contributing to the overall inflammation of the skin. 


4) Swelling (Angioedema): In some cases, urticaria may be associated with swelling beneath the skin’s surface, known as angioedema. This can occur in deeper layers of the skin, often affecting the face, lips, eyelids, hands, and feet. 


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Causes of it : 

 1) Allergies: One of the most common reasons for urticaria is Allergic reactions. Certain foods like oil, spices, fruits or vegetables, medications, insect stings, latex, etc., are common triggers. Allergens trigger the release of histamine, leading to the characteristic hives. 

 2) Medication: Some medications, such as antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Steroids, and certain blood pressure (BP) medications, can cause it as a side effect. 

 3) Infections: Viral or bacterial infections sometimes can contribute to the development of urticaria. Infections like the common cold or urinary tract infections may be associated with the development of hives. 

 4) Autoimmune Disorders: Conditions like lupus and arthritis can lead to chronic urticaria. In these cases, the body’s immune system mistakenly targets its tissues, developing hives. 

 5) Physical Factors: More exposure to heat, cold, pressure, or sunlight can increase urticarial reactions. It is one of the types of Urticaria and It is also known as Physical urticaria. 

 6) Stress: Emotional stress and pressure may act as a trigger for episodes of urticaria. 

 Factors affecting it :

1) Genetics: A family history of allergies or urticaria may increase the risk. 

2) Immune System: Overactivity or dysfunction of the immune system can also have an impact on increasing Urticaria.

3) Environmental Factors: Pollution, climate, and exposure to certain substances may contribute.

4) Hormonal Changes: Urticaria can be influenced by hormonal fluctuations, especially in women.

It’s essential to note that it can vary to each individual in severity and duration. Identifying and avoiding specific triggers, along with appropriate medical management, are crucial for effectively managing urticaria. 

Scope Of Homeopathy in treating urticaria:

1) Root cause analysis: Homeopathy helps to analyze the problem from its root. It will find out the main cause for the problem which helps to treat the disease in a better way.

2) Permanent Solution: Homeopathy provides a permanent solution by regular usage. It helps to overcome the disease and prevents its recurring by inducing homeopathic remedies. 

3) Holistic approach: Homeopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare, taking into account not only the physical symptoms but also the mental and emotional aspects of an individual. Homeopathic consultations are known for considering the patient’s overall well-being.

4) Natural healing: Homeopathy is essentially a natural healing process, providing remedies to assist the patient in regaining health by stimulating the body’s natural healing forces. It concentrates on treating the patient, rather than the disease. 

5) No side effects: Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted, highlighting their safety and the absence of significant side effects. This makes homeopathy an attractive option for individuals seeking alternative or complementary treatments with minimal or no risk. 


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